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English Plaza 今日: 0|主題: 521|排名: 219 

版主: chiuandy123
[IMPORTANT] Please read the General Rules when you enter English Plaza!

Current Activities:
- Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖 Phase 2

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New Comment: 5 points
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隱藏置頂帖 預覽 [Notices] Complain & Question Zone  ...23456..INF auman311 79119412 lp17l2h8
隱藏置頂帖 預覽 [Notices] Rules of English Plaza(Last updated: 21/7/13)  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 129200 chiuandy123
隱藏置頂帖 [Notices] [No entry]Workroom of Moderator& Database - [閱讀權限 255]attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 29536 Hellkite
隱藏置頂帖 預覽 [Notices] [New Comers] Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖 Phase 2  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 71102238 皇家馬德里
預覽 [Discussion] Chatting Zone attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 94980943 holicmit
預覽 [Notices] Shiritori of Athletes' names 運動員名稱接龍大賽  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 26219709 豪仔Alex
預覽 [Notices] [Closed]Share an English Song~  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 18378521 roompklee
預覽 [Notices] Ice-Breaking activity 報到帖  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 9228594 gunseed1997
testing - [閱讀權限 255] ...23456..INF chiuandy123 9097 chiuandy123
預覽 What is your favourite drinks?  ...23456..INF AaRo 8014220 Spy-pro
預覽 Anyone is come from band 1 school?  ...23456..INF 英明神武 7121607 tart
預覽 (New)Guessing word Game LATEST Qs AT #29(New) agree  ...23456..INF ☉_☉魔鬼ソ騎士 5332149 ShadowSlave
預覽 Activity---Self-Introduction.... Start! (Example at #1)  ...23456..INF piyopiyo 509638 你看甚麼-v-+
預覽 How long do you play computer?  ...23456..INF AaRo 478037 小山田萬太
預覽 What time do you go to bed?  ...23456..INF 幻想即興曲 4731246 Rex Tamkw
預覽 What is your english name?  ...23456..INF AaRo 4532170 增船y
預覽 [Notices] Festivals Greeting (Lunar New Year Version)  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 4415535 神劍飛星
預覽 [Sharing] 4000 Vocabularies attachment  ...23456..INF chiuandy123 4129949 lkk112
預覽 what's your hope this year or any target?  ...23456..INF davaragon 389351 yuetstarz
預覽 How can I learn good english?  ...23456..INF ξ★斬逝°× 367102 anthonyfireboy
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